Health City Cayman Islands, provides affordable healthcare services at their state-of-the-art medical facility located in the East End district of Grand Cayman. To provide their patients with greater convenience, they decided to open a more centrally located clinic in Camana Bay. The clinic offers a range of specialties, lab services, diagnostics and advanced care options including outpatient follow ups.
Health City’s objective for the new clinic was to create a functional space with an elevated look and feel that would complement the Camana Bay location. Natural wood elements tastefully combined with the durable materials necessary for a medical environment, welcome their patients. Colourful photographs of Cayman’s flora and fauna taken by members of their staff, don the walls and enhance the experience.
The scope of services included: Concept Design, Design Development, Construction Documentation, Permitting and Contract Administration.
ClientHealth CityProject TypeCommercial Interior DesignYear2021Sq. Ft.2,160